Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 31 Questions 7 - 12

7. Wilson had to shatter the "sacred tradition" of American Isolationism by entangling America in a distant European war, one which the majority of Americans longed to stay out of. (WWI)
8. The significant number of congressional votes against the war resolution shows the American drive to stay out of the war. And Wilson could whip up no enthusiasm, especially in landlocked Mid-West, for fighting to make the world safe from submarine warfare.
9. In response to his lack of support, Wilson had to muster together some glorified aims (goals).
10. These goals were; "a war to end war" (which means to fight to cease the fighting) and "A crusade to make the world safe for democracy.
11. Wilson was very sincere in his efforts to gather support, and all his hard work, and sincerity, payed off. Wilson rallied much support from practically everyone; Americans, Allies, and even the Germans supported some of Wilson's goals from his 14 - point plan (some one will discuss later on in further depth).
12. In Wilson forging war - driven support, and received enthusiastic response to his leadership, he lost touch with his original idea of peace without victory.

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