Monday, August 2, 2010

Song 8 -- Jesus Christ

This song was written in 1940. This song is about how Jesus was not accepted by many people back in His time, but if he walked this earth today, he would not be accepted either. The people in Jesus' time had him being put to death because he threatened power and had a different way of doing things. Jesus told them to give what they had to those who had none. Nobody liked that. Today, it's the same thing though. People don't want to give their "hard - earned money" to people who aren't as blessed and fortunate as them. Jesus asked people to give all their belongings away, and today all that's asked of the people is a Small portion of their income to go to people who don't live the same luxurious life. It's true and people don't realize that it's true. America today is prominently Christian. So, if Jesus asks us to give everything away, and the majority of us have a problem with giving away a small portion of our income, can we really consider ourselves faithful Christians? This song's story is told just like that, a story. It's meaning is pretty straight forward. I liked the message of this song, and the guitar part. But, I'm not really a big fan of the country sound. I think this song kind of teaches about the hypocrisy and money fueld minds of America.

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