Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mayflower -- Question 3

America has replaced the truth of it's beginning with fictional ideas most likely because the majority of us are not fully aware of what happened back then. Views and beliefs change with the times of the country. Today, we are all so distant from what really happened on the first thanksgiving, all we know is what today's generation deems "acceptable." To today's society it makes no sense to them to celebrate surviving the first year on America, because we weren't there, and the majority of don't know or care enough about the struggles and the physical tolls the Pilgrims took on. We would rather get together with family and eat a big meal, but most of us don't even know the real reason why. So, to most of today's Americans it makes sense to take on a totally different meaning to thanksgiving than the meaning the Pilgrims took on, simply because they are so distant from what really happened, and the real means of celebration.

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